
Risk Assessment and Management


Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations It is not possible to control or manage 100% of risk, but knowing what do before, during, and after an event will mitigate the damage and harm. Identifying potential hazards and risks and making it part of the day to day business is important. Safety should be the first priority as every business must face the reality of risks and hazards.

Through our Risk Assessment and Management course your participants will be aware of hazards and risk they didn't realize were around their workplace. Identifying hazards through proper procedures will provide your participants the ability to prevent that accident before it occurs. Limiting and removing potential dangers through Risk Assessment will be an incredible investment.

Module 1: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items

Workshop Objectives

Action Plans and Evaluations

Module 2: Identifying Hazards and Risks

  • What is a Hazard?
  • What is a Risk?
  • Consult with Employees
  • Likelihood Scale
  • Case Study

Module Two: Review Questions

Module 3: Seeking Out Problems Before they Happen (I)

  • Unique to Your Business
  • Walk Around
  • Long Term and Short Term
  • Common Issues
  • Case Study

Module Three: Review Questions

Module 4: Seeking Out Problems Before they Happen(II)

  • Ask “What would happen if .?”
  • External Events
  • Worst Case Scenarios
  • Consequence Scale
  • Case Study

Module Four: Review Questions

Module 5: Everyone's Responsibility

  • See it, Reportit!
  • If It Is Not Safe Don't Do It
  • Take Appropriate Precautions
  • Communicating to the Organization
  • Case Study

Module Five: Review Questions

Module 6: Tracking and Updating Control Measures

  • What is a Control Measure?
  • Your Business Procedures
  • Are They Adequate?
  • Updating and Maintaining
  • Case Study

Module Six: Review Questions

Module 7: Risk Management Techniques

  • Reduce the Risk
  • Transfer the Risk
  • Avoid the Risk
  • Accept The Risk
  • Case Study

Module Seven: Review Questions

Module 8: General Office Safety and Reporting

  • Accident Reports
  • Accident Response Plan
  • Emergency Action Plan
  • Training and Education
  • Case Study

Module Eight: Review Questions

Module 9: Business Impact Analysis

  • Gather Information
  • Identify Vulnerabilities
  • Analyze Information
  • Implement Recommendations
  • Case Study

Module Nine: Review Questions

Module 10: Disaster Recovery Plan

  • Make It Before You Need It
  • Test, Update, and Repeat
  • Hot, Warm, and Cold Sites
  • Keep Documentation Simple and Clear
  • Case Study

Module Ten: Review Questions

Module 11: Summary Of Risk Assessment

  • What are the Hazards?
  • Who Might be Harmed?
  • Are Current Control Measures Sufficient?
  • If Not, Change Control Measures
  • Case Study

Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module 12: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Lessons Learned


3 Day(s)

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