
Safety In The Workplace


Workplace safety is the responsibility of everyone in an organization. Companies have legal obligations to meet certain safety requirements, but many go further than the minimum obligations. Safety standards and procedures must be put in place, and everyone needs to follow the standards in order for them to be effective.

Our Safety In The Workplace course will be instrumental in reviewing common hazards, safety techniques and after completion, your participants will have the tools to help them create a Safety policy for your work place. By identifying and anticipating hazards, employers can prevent injuries and keep employees safe.

Module 1: Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Housekeeping Items

Workshop Objectives

Module 2: An Overview

  • Work Safety and Health Legislations
  • Roles & Duties
  • Safety Planning

Module 3: Types of Hazards

  • Computer Workstations
  • Ergonomics
  • Fire Prevention
  • Fitness & Wellness
  • Heat Stress
  • Stress
  • Violence

Module 4: Managers Role

  • Promoting & Enforcing  Safety Standards
  • Element of a  Health and Safety Program
  • Responsibilities
  • Corporate Culture

Module 5: Training

  • Reasons for Training
  • Definition
  • Orientation
  • On the Job Training
  • Safety Meetings
  • Planning and Conducting a Training Session

Module 6: Stress Management

  • Altering
  • Avoiding
  • Accepting
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Using Routines to Reduce Stress

Module 7: Workplace Violence

  • What is Workplace Violence?
  • Identifying
  • Addressing
  • Implementing a Workplace Harassment Policy

Module 8: Identifying Your Company Hazards

  • Conducting  an Inspection
  • Prioritizing Deficiencies
  • Report & Following Up

Module 9: Drug & Alcohol Abuse

  • For Employees
  • For Managers or Supervisors
  • When to Address
  • Implementing a "No Tolerance" Rule

Module 10: Writing the Safety Plan

  • Management Involvement
  • Responsibility
  • Employee Involvement
  • Follow Through with Accident Investigations
  • Training of Employees

Module 11: Implement the Plan

  • Selecting an Employee Representative
  • Identifying Roles
  • Assigning Responsibility
  • Follow Through

Module 12: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Lessons Learned
  •  Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations


3 Day(s)

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